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Soundwave's first lineup announcement

Image: Supplied

SOUNDWAVE have just dropped the first lineup announcement, with many more to come. The band causing havoc amongst Soundwave diehards is alt-rock British band Nothing But Thieves.

They're five boys from Essex in the United Kingdom, and Soundwave is hosting their first official Australian gig. They write about street art, train claustrophobia, and street scenes walking home at night.

Their alt-rock music isn't easily missable; with guitar riffs compared to Led Zeppelin.

The announcement of them playing has caused major havoc across social media.

They aren't the only band causing a stir, American heavy band Disturbed clearly have people excited!

"Oh my f**king god. Disturbed are going to be at Soundwave!", Rachiie @rkay27on twitter.

and she wasn't the only one..

"@Disturbed So fricken excited to hear you guys will be at Soundwave 2016 - been waiting so long for this!​", Debra Bozhoff @bozzie3


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