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A play on words called HEART BEACH.

Image: Supplied

Tasmanian ocean-pop trio HEART BEACH are made up of two housemates that started a band, and thought "hey, let's get our mate in on this". We spoke to them recently and found out where they'd like to get their show on the road.

H - Heather

HB - Heart Beach

H: Where did HEART BEACH all begin?

HB: Claire and I were living together in Sandy Bay, Hobart. I bought Claire a bass for Christmas. I started writing bass lines on that guitar and invited Claire and a friend Daniel to form a band.

H: What are your rehearsals like?

HB: We try to practice once per week, after work for between 1-2 hours. We usually set some sort of goal, practice a set for a show, work on new material, etc.

H: Advice for someone wanting to start a band?

HB: Don't die wondering.

H: Anybody you want to thank?

HB: The Bad Luck Charms, the Brisbane Hotel.

H: Are HEART BEACH all self taught or had lessons?

HB: I'm self taught, I think Claire is too. Chris has a degree in music.

H: Where did the name HEART BEACH come about?

HB: We were trying to come up with a name that was a play on words, Claire suggested Heart Beach (as in Heart Beat) and we went with that, we had a show pretty close at the time so needed something for a poster, etc.

H: Favourite food?

HB: Steak

H: Coolest thing your fans do for you?

HB: Buying our record.

H: Where can fans access your music?

HB: Bandcamp

H: Number 1 place you can see yourselves touring in the future?


Click here to visit HEART BEACH's website.

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