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Wait, didn't September just start?

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Melodic-hardcore dudes Goodbye September have been playing for an extensive seven years, and they're showing no signs of slowing down. We spoke to them recently about the story behind their name and who they're letting go.

H: When did Goodbye September start and how did it happen?

GS: We have been friends for a really long time throughout our school life, but our guitarist's older brother started a band and when they ended, that influenced us to start a band.

H: When do you rehearse and what's it usually like?

GS: We have a rehearsal space we pay for once a week in Blacksmiths, Newcastle, and we also spontaneously practice in our drummers garage.

H: Any advice for people who are considering starting their own band?

GS: Definitely do it, music is now the number one thing in our lives that keep us happy. It really does bring alot of memories to remember.

H: Anybody you'd all like to thank?

GS: Paul and Adam Diver - our teachers when we first started off early, and they have both been there through our recordings and gigs.

H: Are you guys self-taught or do you take music lessons?

GS: We have all had lessons for a really long time, but being in Goodbye September for 7 years we can self teach and write on our own!

H: Where did the name 'Goodbye September'

GS: As you probably didn't know, we had to let our bass player go due to his basketball scholarship in America, We were all stunned and excited for him as he has been very close with us for such a long time. He leaves Australia to live in America for 4 years in September. We thought to remember our good friend we should dedicate the band to him.

H: Who's in your band?

GS: Sam (Singer); Jordan (Guitarist); Will (Drummer) and Lachie (New Bassist)

H: Best thing fans have done for you?

GS: Probably play our music through the speakers in the school hall in front of most of the school.

H: Where can we find your social media?

GS: We have a band page on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and an email. Feel free to talk to us there!

H: Anywhere in particular you'd like to tour?

GS: Our goal as a young band performing, its always been our dream to do Warped Tour in the US.

H: Lucky last... favourite food?

GS: Chicken for sure!

Click here to be directed to Goodbye September's Facebook page.

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