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Hunter Valley four-piece SWOON

Image: Supplied

Four dudes that started in the school yard, SWOON are sometimes likened to the sounds of British India, Violent Soho, and Cloud Nothings. Australian Music Magazine's Heather caught up with them recently so they could tell us how they're going, and how you can get your hands on their limited amounts of T-Shirts.

H: So how did Swoon become a band?

S: We all went to school together, and then after a few jams we started as a school band. From

there we hung out more, jammed more and after a few smaller gigs in our hometown we decided to make it official.

H: A pretty awesome start, hey What are your rehearsals generally like? (Does your band set a

time? or spontaneous?)

S: Typically we try to have band prac every weekend usually on a Sunday, and before every gig

we will have a jam that day through our sets to tighten up before shows.

H: What advice do you have for anyone who's thinking of starting a band?

S: Don't rush the writing process, take your time and make sure you're satisfied with the music you're producing because at the end of the day if you're not happy with the songs that you have

you won't be happy playing them. Also make sure you get along with the people you're in the band with because you'll be spending a lot of time with them.

H: Great words, 100% true. Is there anyone you would like to acknowledge?

S: We would like to acknowledge our teacher Luke Pittman for helping getting us started, John Baker for helping us with background managing and for Phill and Narelle Thatcher for feeding us and letting us use the shed to jam and write in.

H: Did you guys take lessons for what you do, or did you teach yourselves?

S: We have all had small lessons at some stage, but the majority has been self taught from

listening to our own influences and bands.

H: That's amazing self taught is always good. What's the story fo the name Swoon?

S: There isn't any crazy story behind our name, we've gone through nearly 6 names since we started playing together. We just thought Swoon and it's meaning sounded pretty sweet and went well with our style of sound.

H: It's a pretty unique name. Everybody knows every good interview has to have at least 1 random question. If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

S: Straight up Krispy Kreme donuts

H: What's the most unique thing a fan has done for you?

S: We did this gig at Mainland Bowlo with our mates in Just Ace, this random guy that our guitarist knew through work said he would do a nudie run through the green if we told him too.

So naturally we jumped off the offer and he did it, it was fucking hilarious!

H: Oh my god a nude run! Where can we find your music?

S: We've done a digital release of our split single 'Coercion' through Bandcamp. In future we are

going to do a physical run but probably keep it limited on vinyl.

H: Your music is pretty amazing, I do have a copy of Coercion. Final question, where would you

like to tour?

S: EVERYWHERE! In the far future we would love to tour Europe and the UK, especially Norway

and Sweden - the music scene there is so ridiculously alive. But locally we really want to hit up

Melbourne and Brisbane, those two cities would have to have the biggest music impact on the

Australian circuit, and then of course everywhere in between.

H: I'm glad you have the certain places you want because goals are amazing and make you really want to travel. Thank you for letting us interview you!

S: Cheers!

You can purchase a Swoon T-Shirt directly from Swoon by inboxing them on Facebook here

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