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Interview with 'Split Feed'

Joe, Will, and Brad make up rock trio Split Feed. Photo: Supplied

Spontaneous rock trio 'Split Feed' burst onto the Australian music scene last year. AMM's Heather Cameron caught up with Split Feed's Will so he could tell us exactly what they're about.

H: How did Split Feed become a band?

W: Well Joe and Brad have been playing in bands together for a couple of years, then I joined on

bass when we were in Year 10. Halfway through 2014, Joe and I swapped instruments and

started Split Feed.

H: Thats pretty cool, what instruments did you guys play before you swapped?

W: Joe was on the guitar and I was playing bass, so we just swapped them, but Joe's always been

lead vocalist and Brad on drums. we used to just kind of jam covers and thought we were a funk band before we swapped instruments and realised how bad we were at the funk thing!

H: What are your rehearsals generally like?

W: They're very spontaneous, usually on the day one of us will ask the question. Occasionally we'llplan them.We usually waste a lot of time doing other stuff and then jam our songs heaps poorly

for like 20 minutes. Lately we've just been focusing on writing some new tunes which is nice.

H: What advice do you have for people who want to start their own band?

W: Just to start jamming and not to take it too seriously, and just have fun with it. we haven't been doing it for long so we're still learning about everything that goes along with being a band, and

that's what's cool about it.

H: Is there anyone you'd like to thank who's especially helped your band work?

W: Yeah there's a few. Rhys Zacher, who recorded our EP, our parents who are mega supportive

of the whole thing, anyone whose came to a gig or listened/bought our tracks (the cliche stuff but it has to be recognised), and Jonty Carlin and Dom Wattam who film and take pics of us which

is rad.

H: Do you guys do music lessons, or are you self-taught?

W: We all started off getting lessons when we were younger, then coincidentally we all

stopped, but now we're all doing Music for our HSC so Joe and I have a guitar teacher

(Paul Nickerson - toppest bloke)

H: How did the name 'Split Feed' come about?

W: One of our mates came up with it back in about Year 8 and we just remembered it last year

and thought it was pretty nice. It's a game reference, I won't say what game, but if you type in

'Split Feed' on YouTube you'll see!

H: Now with every good interview, there's gotta be at least one random question, so...

If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

W: *Laughs* that really is random! I'd have to go with the classic answer - chocolate, can't speak

for the other boys though Brad and Joe are fans of chips, depending on the flavour of course.

H: What is the one best thing your fans have done?

W: That's an easy one, Jonty Carlin, Dan Maher and Noah Harland ordered us a set of Split Feed stickers, so rad!

H: Stickers are fun for all ages! Where can we find your merchandise/music?

W: Yeah they're on the back of some cars around newi (Newcastle). and you can find out stuff on

Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, Triple J Unearthed and we have a few music vids on YouTube. As for merch, we have some CDs that we usually give away at gigs, so come along for great times and FREE CDs!

H: Thank you so much for chatting with us!

W: No thankyou for asking the Q's!

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